This is a persistent-world server for Neverwinter Nights. I ran this server and world for about two years with bi-weekly updates to the content within. Unlike Trouble in Ellishan, it is designed for many players. This is a much larger module with many more areas to explore and quests to accomplish. This module also includes much more in-depth scripting as well as containing many scripted events.
This is a large village set in a bay of Loch Shiverbite.
This is the town temple where many godly services can be found, from spells and potions to a purification from the well just outside the doors. If you are unlucky enough to fall in battle, the magic portal will teleport you back to your party leader.
Goblins, nasty little weak creatures, are often underestimated as they always attack in large groups.
Giving the Dungeon Master trouble? Try spending some quality time in his realm with no hope of escape!
Where is all this water coming from?
The ancient temple seems to still have a bit of life left in it.